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Race Technology Data Analysis Software

Race Technology Data Analysis software




Without doubt the power of our Analysis Software is one of the key reasons why Race Technology products continue to go from strength to strength.

The Race Technology Data Analysis Software is the main application that comes with nearly all Race Technology products, and as the title would suggest allows you to analyze the data you collect in a number of ways.

A very simple example of what the software can do would be to download the data after a race and calculate the lap times and the speeds around the circuit. Another simple example would be to download data after a performance test and plot the power output for the run. However, this is just scratching the surface of the Analysis Software's capabilities - the analysis software is both hugely powerful and flexible piece of software. We have tried to keep this as simple and intuitive as possible to allow new users to get up and running as quickly as possible, but at the same time incorporate a wide range of powerful features for more advanced analysis.

For an overview of how to use the software watch the demonstration video.


Who is the Data Analysis Software designed for?

The data analysis software is incredibly flexible and allows our products to be used in applications where most other "autosport" data logging systems would be unacceptable. The data analysis software can be used to analyze data logged on closed circuits, open circuits (hill climbs and rallies for example), straight line performance testing, to name just a few. Drivers, technical support staff, instructors, racing teachers and students use the software extensively. Because the software runs under windows using familiar controls and presentation, it can be picked up by anyone with even a little experience on computers, quickly and easily.


What does the Data Analysis Software do?

The software is so powerful and flexible that this isn't a simple question to answer in a few sentences. The software is used in conjunction with all our products datalogging products to download the data from the device onto the PC and view it, analyze it, manipulate it, graph it, print it, save it to disk etc. It has many powerful and innovative features and is under constant development to ensure that it remains the package of choice for drivers, racing teams, test engineers and vehicle development organizations.


Features of the Data Analysis Software...

The first function that the software must perform is to transfer the data from the logging device to the computer. In the case of the DL90 and the AP22 this is done with a serial (RS232) link running at high speed, in the case of the DL1 and the AX22, data is read from the compact flash card using a suitable card reader attached to the computer.

The next task the software does it to convert the data that was stored into useful information. For example the logger might record a number of pulses per second on an input, and this needs to be converted to an engine speed in RPM. Alternatively it might convert a voltage that was stored on the logger to a steering wheel angle. The number of variables calculated and the units can be selected to the users preferences.

Once the data has been converted into useful "engineering" data, the software can be used to look at the data. This can be done in one of many ways - the most straightforward is to simply plot a graph. In the most simplistic example you could plot the speed the vehicle was traveling against time.

While looking at data in such a manual way does provide answers, a more powerful way to look at the data is by using the analysis features in the software. For example you can select a bend on a circuit and automatically plot the lateral g force of that corner on your fastest and slowest laps. Alternatively you can check to see how brake pressures or vehicle power output changed over the course of the race or event.

In addition to the analysis functions there are extensive facilities to load and save data, load and save your analysis preferences, print graphs, and export data to a spreadsheet. The latest version of the Race Technology software is another huge step forward in terms of power and flexibility. Some of the features include:

  • Synchronizing videos to the data - the ability to playback the video along side data in a totally integrated way. For example you can play the data back along side the data in real time, or you can view the video files as you click and drag the pointer across the graphs. The software is very flexible in it's handling of video files, you can associate up to 10 videos or camera views with each run and view them all simultaneously. You also have almost complete flexibility in the video files you can use including .mpg, .mpeg, .avi, .mov, .wav, .mp2, .wma, .wmv, .asf. The underlying video code accesses DirectX for the best speed/performance available.
  • Export to video - a very powerful feature that allows you to generate videos with your own layout design. Using this feature you can output your own custom designed videos that include almost unlimited video windows and graphical data overlays with up to DVD resolution. Once you've generated a video output file then it is very simple to write it to DVD using 3rd party software.
  • Flexible graphs. Each graph can display up to 5 totally independent X and Y axis, for example you can view speeds from 5 different laps, or 5 different parameters from a single lap. There are also numerous options that can be set as require, for example you can manually set minimum and maximums, whether a grid is displayed and whether you want data point joined up or not. There are also extensive facilities for zooming in on the data, panning across the axis etc, so you really can view the data in a fast and efficient manner.

  • Flexible bar charts. The bar charts are useful for viewing "how often" something happened. For example you could check what rev range was used during a race to help select appropriate gearing. As with the regular XY graphs, you can view up to 5 axis at the same time, making comparison between laps or runs very simple.

  • Track maps. One of the great strengths of our range of data logging products is the integration of GPS, which allows the system to calculate high quality track maps. The track map viewer makes the most of the data and shows a full layout of the track or run. There are many viewing options available for the track map, including coloring the map to show sections of high speed or braking. There are also facilities for quickly zooming in and out the map, rotating it and so on.

  • Real time playback. One of the innovative features of the software is its ability to "playback" the data in real time. This mode operated very much like a video recorder, you can play, pause, fast-forward and even rewind the race and see exactly what was going on at that particular time.

  • Virtual dashboards. As well as displaying the data on the graphs during playback you can also display a configurable "virtual dashboard" to show the chosen variables on dials for quick and intuitive readings.

  • Multiple runs. Obviously it is essential that you compare data from more than one run. This might be data from last session, or multiple runs from one day. Currently up to 10 runs maybe loaded into the software at once and compared directly.

  • Multiple laps. Within each "run" there maybe a single stage, run or many laps - unlike other systems we do not limit the laps you can load.

  • Add virtual lap beacons. Traditional "auto sport" systems require that you place a light beacon at the side of the track for performing track timing, however, because our systems use GPS this isn't required - to calculate lap times or sector times you simply add a virtual optical beacon or "track markers" to the track map and base your lap times and sector times on these. There is almost no limit to the number of track markers that you can add to a track map, in practice you can calculate as many sector times as you require.

  • Perform complex calculations. Once you have added "track markers" to the track map these can be used as the basis of calculations to find minimums, maximums, averages even statistic functions of any variables. For example you can find the maximum speed or average throttle opening around a particular corner.

  • Automatically generate graphs. Again, once you have added track markers to the track map you can use these as a basis for automatically generating graphs. For example you could automatically plot the speed down a selected straight of the fastest lap compared with the slowest lap to check your breaking point or gearshift points.

  • Save data to disk. You can save either raw data to disk, or you can save your entire analysis including all the graphs and calculations that you have generated.

  • Print graphs and tables. The software includes the facility to generate really high quality print outs of graphs, track maps, bar charts or tables.

  • Export data to a spreadsheet or Matlab. In some applications it can be useful to export data to a spreadsheet or Matlab. This can be done in several ways - you can either export all the data from the run, or alternatively you can export the data for a table or individual graph. This facility can be particularly useful if you are including the data in a report.

  • Save/load multiple vehicle configurations. Because our systems are so quick and simple to fit in a vehicle, it is common for them to find their way into various vehicles. To help in these applications we provide the facility to save and load various vehicle configurations, for quick reference.

  • Comprehensive data analysis options. There are many options that allow you to process the data in the way you require. For example you can trim runs, filter data in a number of different ways and even select how power and distance are calculated.

  • User selectable variables. There are many variables that are accessible in the software, but in most applications only some of the variables are of interest. To speed up the program operation and reduce memory requirements, you can select only the variables of interest.

  • User defined variables. One of the most powerful features of the analysis software it the ability to add your own, user defined, variables. These have many applications; simple applications include converting an existing variable to different units, converting a voltage to a physical quantity such as a temperature, or combining data from more than one channels such as calculating the slip ratio between 2 wheels or shafts.

  • User defined graphs. In a similar way to defining your own variables, you can also define your own graphs for quick reference. You can set up all you preferred options then just select the graph from this list.

For an overview of how to use the software watch the demonstration video.



Software is free and comes with all Race Technology Data Logger Units.


Click here to see the full line of Race-Technology Data Logger and Display Units


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